Support provided from Beams Foster Care
All Beams Foster Carers are allocated a designated Supervising Social Worker who will provide you with support and supervision, in addition to support from the whole Beams team, including the management team, social work team, child and family practitioner and our business support team. This support is provided 24/7 – when contacting Beams’ out of hours team you will always connect with a worker that you know, they will know you and the child/ren that you are caring for.
- Support groups are provided regularly to enable our foster carers to connect, getting together to hear everyone views and experiences within themed areas.
- Beams Foster Care works closely with a Systemic therapist providing therapeutic support to our foster carers.
- Mentoring scheme will provide you with a mentor at anytime you need it during your fostering journey.
- Planned activities for our foster carers, including lunches, picnics, coffee mornings.
- Planned activities for our children and young people, including picnics, creative club and trips out including the pantomime.
- Membership to an independent support service – Foster Talk.
- Regular supervision with your designated social worker
- Access to 24/7 support
What our foster carers say about the support they receive
“When we had our emergency with K the agency were fantastic- Dawn came out immediately and there was someone there to talk to”.
“Beams are always on hand anytime day or night giving us professional advice and support. Our minds are always at ease knowing someone is there to talk to. We also have regular training on these matters”.
“Clare has on many occasions offered advice and support to help deal with complex behaviour. Most recently she has helped and advised with an incident involving R which was of a delicate nature”.
“Support from Karen has been invaluable. This is one of the many positives of a small organisation which offers support in many different ways. Everyone knowing everyone is always supportive and reassuring”.
“Our SW has always been supportive and there to give advice. The advice has been valuable and transferable in many situations”.